Dedicated to eradicating leprosy and the suffering it causes.

eradicating leprosy worldwide

We support strategic interventions to map, prevent, and treat leprosy

by partnering with affected communities, scientists, research institutions, government agencies, NGOs, hospitals, social scientists, funders, and entrepreneurs. Our interventions prioritise impact. In addition to our fight against leprosy, we work with other neglected infectious and parasitic diseases found in the same regions.


who we are

The Mission to End Leprosy is a global network of organisations sharing a passion to end the oldest known communicable disease in human history.

We're old, but we're new! Our parent organisation has over 140 years of experience and a exemplary track record in the global fight against leprosy.  Scientific advancements are finally offering us the opportunity to end this disease. We are seizing that opportunity with determination.


what we do

We provide vision, knowledge, technical expertise, finances, personnel, and monitoring to enable our partners to engage in strategic interventions focused on eradicating leprosy.


Areas of Focus


Health Systems:

In the poorest communities of the world, where leprosy and other neglected diseases are prevalent, many people do not have access to appropriate health care. We work with local communities, hospitals, NGOs and ministries of health to map disease while improving detection and treatment.

Our focus is on building the capacity of medical personnel and health systems to manage disease and meet the needs of the people they serve.

Breaking Transmission:

To eradicate leprosy requires breaking the chain of transmission. Although leprosy is the oldest known communicable disease, we still have much to learn.

The same is true of many of the other neglected parasitic and infectious diseases. Eliminating the problem depends on scientific answers, so we invest heavily in research. We are determined to stop the progression of  illness.  




Many of us don’t realise the power we have to effect change. We work with a range of partners to develop better global and national policies, laws, and practices to combat discrimination against people affected by leprosy. We’re strong on advocacy, working to ensure that everyone with power takes positive action.  

Building Inclusive Communities:

Too often, people affected with leprosy and other neglected diseases are pushed to the margins of society. We work with communities to build understanding and acceptance, making sure affected people have the skills needed to fully participate in society.




We’re particularly focused on ensuring that people affected by leprosy or other illnesses play a strong role in the decisions that impact their lives. We're working hard to ensure they have the resources and skills necessary to take active leadership in the global fight against disease.

Patient Care:  

We’re determined to achieve our long-term goal of eradicating leprosy and its consequences. Meanwhile, we’re also committed to detection, treatment, and rehabilitation for the millions of men, women, and children who continue to suffer because of this disease.  




Partner with us

Donors, funders, and program-implementing organisations can make a real, demonstrable impact in the fight to ensure leprosy and its cruel effects are consigned to history.

If you would like to discuss partnership with the Mission to End Leprosy, please email
